Fun Halloween Events Here in Abilene and Some Safety Tips Too
Trick-or-Treat What’s the Halloween Plan, Grandpa?
Every year around Halloween I got the same old question from all my kids and grandchildren. "What are we doing for fun this Halloween?" You'd think I'd have these all memorized by now, but I don't. However, below is a list of some events in and around Abilene and West Texas.
Halloween Events You Won't Want to Miss
As for most of the events I've got listed they are free to get in and participate with the exception of the Abilene Zoo. However, if you are a member of the Abilene Zoo then you will get in free with your Abilene Zoo membership. So put on some comfortable shoes and get ready to partake in whatever the Zoo has to offer.
Abilene Texas Trunk-or-Treating / Fall Festivals
4-6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19th First Christian Church, 5125 Antilley Road.
5-6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26th at Wylie United Methodist Church, 3430 Antilley.
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. October 12-13 / October 19-20 / October 26-27, 2024. Boo At The Zoo
6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Friday, October 18th YMCA Trunk or Treat on S.32nd Street.
5 p.m.- 8 p.m. Trunk or Treat. Sunday at Express ER 4157 Buffalo Gap Rd.

So, participate in as many of these awesome events and enjoy your haunted Halloween festivities:
Taylor County Health District (TCHD) Top 5 Safety Tips
Halloween Trick or treating tips advised by TCHD are simple recommendations. That said, here are the top 10 simple guidelines you might want to follow:
- Not feeling that good, stay home
- Choose outdoor events over indoor events when possible
- Stay in small groups of 4 or less when trick-or-treating house-to-house
- Trick-or-treaters need to see and be seen. Use face makeup instead of masks
- Give trick-or-treaters a flashlight to light their way
- Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags
- Have everyone in your group wear light-colored clothing
- Wear non-binding flame-resistant costumes & stay away from long trailing fabric
- Adults, know where the kids are going. Responsible adults should accompany
- Be cautious around all animals, especially dogs
The Best advice is, to be safe and have fun, walk, don’t run, only visit homes that have a porch light on, accept treats at the door and never go inside, and remember before consuming any treats, inspect all candies collected. Happy Halloween y'all!
Source: American Red Cross
Halloween Costumes That are Totally Texas
Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins