As folks in Texas look for gift ideas for their loved ones this Valentine's Day, it's also a time to poke a little fun at one or more of your ex-loves with this fundraiser at the San Antonio Zoo.

Yes, February is all about love. But when you get the opportunity to poke a little fun at your ex and help out a worthy cause, it seems like a win-win situation, right? It might be a good idea to make sure you are on good terms with your ex before you do this.

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Cry Me A Cockroach Fundraiser

This fundraiser allows you to name a cockroach, a rodent, or a veggie after your ex before the aforementioned is served as a tasty treat to one of the zoo's residents. As their website mentions, it's a great way to ex-terminate your past and help out the zoo with this whacky fundraiser.

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Name A Cockroach, Rodent Or Veggie

To get in on this fun and quite possibly dangerous stunt depending on your relationship with your ex, just donate.

A $5 donation will let you name a veggie, $10 gets you the roach, and $25 is what you need to name a rodent. Along with your donations, you'll receive a downloadable Valentine's Day Card to share and a special customized video of one of their popular zoo animals.

You can head over to San Antonio Zoo's website to donate or get more information about this fundraiser. And, if your ex gets mad at you, it's not my fault!

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Gallery Credit: Chrissy


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