Shocking, But True: What Secretly Excites the Texan Soul?
The answers to the opened-ending question, "What did you find oddly attractive?" really covered a super-wide swath of expected and unexpected answers.
Traditional Answers
What most people find attractive are things like a nice small, or maybe an endearing laugh. Good hair and good teeth always rate high. Some people look a little deeper and appreciate intellectuals or people with unimpeachable character. None of these things would be given a second thought on a traditional list, this is not a traditional list.
The Respondents
We put the question out on Facebook to a wide-audience and they gave us a wide array of answers. Most people took the question and used it to describe personal attributes of a person. Some took the question and ran completely off the rails with their answers. More than one answer will have you scratching your head and saying, "What?". Seeing as these answers were supplied mostly by a morning show audience, it's hard to tell if some were answering honestly, or were intentionally joking (or maybe revealing something they like in the form of a joke?).
...And Here We Go
We have a selection of silly slides to share with you. There is something about this format that adds real punch to punchlines and real gravitas to some of the more endearing answers. We hope you scroll through the answers and double back to the social media from where it came and submit your own answer. We'd love to have you as a contributor to this and future surveys. So, with all of that out of the way, away we go:
What Do You Find Oddly Attractive?
Gallery Credit: Nessmania
Why Did The New Guy Get Fired Almost Immediately?
Gallery Credit: Nessmania
Why Did The New Guy Get Fired Almost Immediately?
Gallery Credit: Nessmania