Sometimes it's hard to find just the right gift for dad. You can only buy so many ties and tools before the 'cool' factor wears off. However, if you make dad a gift it will be something he will cherish forever. These are gifts that need a little adult supervision and assistance, but are based on the kids photos or artwork...
There are millions of gifts out there for pet lovers, but these 5 really take the cake. We scoured the internet looking for the greatest gifts for the pet lover in your life. From sweet to silly, you're sure to find something perfect below.
Yesterday, I was asking for the best Valentine's Day gifts and there was one that a FaceBook friend mentioned that has really stayed with me. Sheila wrote that her husband had a star named after her! How romantic!
Valentine's Day is almost here! But, the big question is what to get your significant other! Us girls are pretty easy to buy for. A card, chocolates and roses. Why not be different?
Regifting used to be such a big No-No! But, that's changing. Maybe it's the economy or maybe we're just getting used to the idea. A new survey says most Americans are fine with the idea. So, maybe I need to rethink this whole thing!
Traditionally, people think the perfect gift is the one you’ve spent months thinking about and searching for, or the one you spent a month’s salary on, but new research shows that gift recipients are just as happy, if not more, with less expensive gifts, or the ones they picked out themselves.