A wedding video from 2011 is suddenly getting some hits on YouTube, because the bride played a cruel prank on her new husband involving her garter belt.
At a recent wedding in Russia, the bride and groom were walking up a set of steps when the front of a building directly behind them COLLAPSED, and landed on the street!
I've seen enough videos on the internet that had me saying, "Unbelievable!", like the video of the little kid singing in a guitar shop. But this clip of a wedding reception gone wrong seems so overboard, I don't think it's real.
White Castle has become a go-to spot for Valentine’s Day dates, and a couple in Louisville, KY has taken that tradition a step further by having their wedding in the popular fast food chain. Mazel tov! Pass the onion rings.
This is the perfect time of year to think about anything that involves a beach, and there’s almost nothing more beautiful to do on a beach than get married. But where in the world are the best places for that dream beach wedding?
Improv Everywhere founder Charlie Todd pranked the guests at his wedding to fellow troupe member Cody Lindquist by having a pro wrestler interrupt the ceremony during the “Speak now or forever hold your peace” part.
It was a wedding day to remember. A bride wanted for identity theft was arrested at her wedding right after the ceremony, and never missed a beat.
The 53-year old bride was in Michigan for her wedding and authorities in Blackman-Leoni Township were alerted.