Abilene Mayor Declared Limited Shelter in Place Through April 14
Mayor Anthony Williams, along with other city officials, announced a Limited Shelter in Place, this morning, due to the growing positive cases of the coronavirus in our area.
This order shall remain in effect through April 14th.

Officials stated that Abilene residents should remain in their homes, unless engaging in an essential activity like going to work.
It's still OK to visit local stores to shop for items like food, medical needs, and clothing.
As with the previous ordinance, gatherings of 10 or more people will be banned. This current ordinance also includes gatherings in private as well.
Restaurants are still not allowed to open their dining rooms, but carry-out and delivery is still an option for eating out.
Many area businesses will be able to remain open, with these exceptions:
- Hair & Nail Salons
- Tattoo and Piercing Studios
- Movie Theaters, Bowling Alleys, and Other Entertainment Venues
- Health Clubs/Gyms/Fitness Centers
- Food Truck Events of More Than (1) Truck
- Sexually-Oriented Businesses
- Indoor Smoking Rooms of Tobacco Stores (retail still open)
Those businesses ordered to close should do so by 12pm/Noon on March 31st.
If you fall in any of the following categories, you should self-quarantine immediately:
- Fever/Cough/Shortness of Breath
- Live with someone who tested positive of Covid-19
- All at-risk individuals, like those that are immunocompromised.
Even though you may be self-quarantined, you may still seek medical advice/care, but please do so by calling your physician's office ahead of time.
It was also mentioned that anyone with Covid-19, or anyone in their household, that refused to self-quarantine could be fined up to $1,000. Other action, like ankle monitoring, could be enforced as well.
This is a time that EVERY SINGLE PERSON needs to listen to our authorities to help lessen the spread of this virus.
You can watch the entire special session of today's Abilene City Council meeting below.
March 30 Special Called City CouncilThe March 30, 2020 City Council meeting will be closed to in person attendance by the public, individuals will be able to address the Council via telephone conference call.
To participate in a telephone conference call, please call 833-773-2663, participant code is 5918781, to speak on an agenda item. This will also allow you to listen to the meeting.
To view the agenda, visit abilenetx.gov/agendasandminutes. Council members and staff will not be able to answer your questions during the broadcast, but staff will follow up with any questions the following business day. To view the City of Abilene's Social Media Policy, please visit: www.abilenetx.gov/socialmediapolicy
Posted by City of Abilene, Texas Government on Monday, March 30, 2020