Adderall is it Medicine, Dangerous Drug or a Designer Pharmaceutical for College Kids? [VIDEO]
In the movie “Limitless” Eddie Morra is an aspiring author that’s suffering from writer’s block, but his life changes instantly when an friend introduces him to a little pill called NZT. Eddie’s brain is transformed into a powerful human super-computer. This pill gives him super mental abilities, enabling him to read and recall millions of bits of information instantly. NZT is fictional, however Adderall is the real deal. And both have serious side-effects.
Morra’s dependence on the drug increases, and the rest of the movie is pretty predictable, the pills side-effects are far to dangerous and it all starts sounding too real in my opinion.
A very similar drug has been making the rounds on college campuses across America for years and it’s time parents knew about it and the dangers. Adderall has been helping students get better grades and pushing their bodies to the limits. Adderall has become known as the study drug within the college communities. The pharmaceutical psychostimulant Adderall, was never intended to give super-mental-powers.
Since Adderall has to be prescribed, students think it’s completely harmless. Nothing could be further from the truth. Researchers estimate 30 percent of college students have used the drug at least once. But experts say the drug is highly addictive and can cause anxiety, exhaustion and rapid weight loss. The long-term effects of Adderall abuse can be just as crippling as an addiction to heroin or crack cocaine.
Adderall, manufactured by Shire Pharmaceutical, is designed to treat symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. The drug is composed of a group of amphetamine salts and works by increasing the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in between synapses in the brain. Similar to other stimulant drugs, such as methamphetamine and cocaine, Adderall affects the mesolimbic pathway in the brain, which is associated with feelings of reward and desire. Because of the amount of amphetamine salts the stimulant possess, it has a high potential for abuse, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Source: Ruth Gibson World on Campus.
Potentially dangerous side effects of Adderall
From the All Side Effects website
- Malfunctions in the heart – rhythm disorder, severe tachycardia
- Chest pain
- Very high blood pressure, hypertensive crisis
- Frequent headaches, blurred vision (may be signs of high blood pressure due to treatment with Adderall)
- Loss of consciousness, fainting, severe dizziness, double vision;
- Convulsions, hand tremors
- Uncontrolled movement of the neck, head, hands, feet, lips, called tics
- Breathing difficulty, shortness of breath
- Allergic reactions: swelling of the face, eyelids, throat, etc., redness of the mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, rash
- Sudden changes in emotional state, behavioral disorders, aggressiveness, severe depression, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations (perception of sounds, sights and sensations that do not exist in reality).
Caution this video contains adult content and mature language.