The elusive chupacabra, the mythical beast sighted in parts of the south just might be a hairless raccoon.  They've been sighted here in Texas and we even have a few strange photos.  But depending on analysis of the latest find in Kentucky, the truth might be a letdown.


Is the Chupacabra Mystery Really Solved Once And For All?

Usually ’15 minutes of fame’ involves people but according to the latest news it’s not a human this time but an animal who wasn’t even trying to get attention. Alas the chupacabra news is that it’s just a huge raccoon with a hair-loss problem! In case you haven’t heard of this creature before, its name is Spanish for ‘goat eater’.

The chupacabra is supposed to be a creature of mythology which attacks its victims ‘vampire-style’. One creature recently killed in Kentucky has, for the moment, been ruled as a bald raccoon. According to some sources, this creature looks like a big dog or a coyote.

In any case the latest kill is headed for a taxidermy shop! If the vets are sure it’s just a raccoon, why is DNA testing slated? Whether its a chupacabra or a raccoon, it looks like it’s great material for the late night comedy monologues! (via

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