Thanks to the advancement of technology, public libraries have gone to the wayside in many people's minds. However, in Abilene, our libraries are doing well, (probably) thanks to the perks of having a library card.

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If you haven't been to one of our libraries lately, then just know you get more than just a bunch of books, as you'll see below.

So, let's take a look at the awesome perks of having an Abilene library card.

Computer Access

adult education, student in headphones working on computer in library

Your library card allows you 3 daily sessions on library computers as well as access to their E-Resources and Digital Services.

Subjects you'll find in E-Resources:

  • Almanacs & Encyclopedias
  • Automotive Repair
  • Business
  • DIY
  • Education & Social Sciences
  • Food & Travel
  • Genealogy

Digital Resources include:

  • Mobile Printing
  • Libby (access to e-books)
  • Hoopla Digital (streaming service)
  • Universal Class (continuing education courses)
  • Online Book Clubs...and more.

DVDs, Audiobooks, & CDs

Woman listening to music on her laptop
Wavebreakmedia Ltd

You are able to check out up to 10 DVDs, 10 audiobooks, and 10 music CDs with your card.

Access to Other Area Libraries

attachment-RS36104_Maine State Library Augusta Maine _ Renee Nelson

You're also granted borrowing privileges at the ACU, HSU, McMurry, and Dyess Air Force Base libraries.

As you can see, your Abilene library card grants you so much more than just checking out a book. Abilene Public Library also offers AARP Free Tax Help, Activity and Literacy Kits, and so much more.

For fans of the Abilene Public Library, don't forget, Lib-Con is coming up on October 8th. You can click here for more details about that event.

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