Dig Straight Down From Abilene And You’ll End Up Here On The Other Side
Don't tell me that you've never thought about it. If you dug straight down through the Earth from Abilene, where would you come out on the other side? People from all over the globe have pondered this very question. For Texans, we seem to think it's China. But, is it?
Prepare to be amazed as there is an interactive map that will show you where you'd really end up no matter where you are in the world. Toss that shovel aside, there's no need to dig.
It's called an antipodes map and it helps you find the other side of the world from any place on Earth. The antipodes of a place on Earth is the point on the Earth's surface that is directly opposite to it. In other words, two points that are antipodal to each other can be connected by a straight line running right through the planet.
To break it down, even more, noon at one point is basically midnight at the other, with some exceptions. Likewise, the longest day at one location corresponds with the shortest at another. Sunrise and sunset do not exactly oppose each other because of light refraction.
Before we take a look at where Texas ends up, here are some cities that have exact (if not close) antipodes.
Hong Kong - La Quiaca (Spain)
Junin (Argentina) - Lianyungang (China)
Ulan Ude (Russia) - Puerto Natales (Chile)
Padang (Indonesia) - Esmeraldas (Eqador)
Give the interactive map a try for yourself to see where Abilene tunnels to. But, just a heads up. You may want to take along some swim fins.
Save your energy because there is an easier way to see other parts of the world. Look below for some amazing pictures from a fellow Texan who traveled all the way to Dubai.