You all know Duck Dynasty is my favorite show on TV and I almost wanted to keep this a secret to cut down on my competition. However, this is too good not to share with you. How would you not only like to meet the Robertson's but make a cameo appearance in one of their commercials for next seasons show?

Season 4 is sure to be the biggest season yet and you have a chance to make a commercial appearance in front of millions of other fans along side the Robertson's.

You can enter through Facebook or via Twitter or Instagram  tagged with #CamoCameo. Once you've entered the public votes on the photos. It's narrowed down to the top 10. Nine of those will be runners up winning a 'beard cap' and the Grand Prize winner will gets an all expense paid trip to Monroe, LA to film a walk-on commercial with the guys.

Entry is open today, May 14th, through May 28th at midnight EST. The top ten finalists will then be voted on May 29th - June 2nd.

For a complete list of rules see the official entry form here.


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