Yesterday I gave you a list of Four Things You Might Be Doing Wrong on Facebook.  And today, it’s time for round two:  Here are four MORE things you might be doing wrong.

#1.)  When You Invite Friends to Play Games with You, You Invite ALL of Them. Most people don’t play things like Farmville and Mob Wars…and a lot of people HATE them.

So when you go through your Facebook friends and decide who to invite, narrow it down to a FEW.  Don’t just invite EVERYONE.

#2.)  You Constantly Check In Using Foursquare. If you don’t know about it, Foursquare is an app that lets you “check in” and tell people where you are in the REAL world.  And it’s fine when you’re at Disneyland, or even just at a movie.

But some people check in on Foursquare when they get to WORK, or when they get HOME from work . . . which no one cares about.

#3.)  You Post Funny Things That Have Already Popped Up in Your News Feed a Bunch of Times. It’s not like anyone’s will de-friend you for it.  But if you’ve seen something ten times in your news feed, most of your friends have probably seen it too.

#4.)  You Constantly Change Your Relationship Status. Try to limit how many times you go back and forth between “It’s Complicated” and “Single,” or between “It’s Complicated” and “In a Relationship.”  It makes you look kind of NUTS.

Also, when someone ELSE changes their relationship to say they’re “NO LONGER in a relationship,” think twice before you comment on it.  Especially if you’re planning to “Like” it.

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