Frisco RoughRiders Offer New Limited Time Beverage Commemorating Roughned Odor Punching Jose Bautista
According to milb.com, the Frisco RoughRiders are now offering an adult beverage called "Rougie's Red Punch."
The cup is emblazoned with an image resembling Rougned Odor punching Jose Bautista in the face. It will be available for a limited time at Dr Pepper Ballpark's Bull Moose Saloon.
It’s a blend of fruit punch, an energy drink and a secret ingredient from Rougned’s native Venezuela.
Rougie's Red Punch - Frisco RoughRiders
It costs $5.15. Odor punched Bautista on May 15. Perfect.
Odor played for the RoughRiders during parts of the 2013 and 2014 seasons. He'll be able to drink plenty of these during his eight-game suspension.
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