Paul McCartney is 69 years old today (June 18th). He has the distinction of being the most successful songwriter in history. Paul has written 30 number one hits. And there's that little band called 'The Beatles'. McCartney is doing a few stadium gigs this summer and may add more shows. We'll keep you posted. Included here is a video featuring the three surviving Beatles, recorded for their 'Anthology' DVD in 1994. It's a little surreal to me to see the three of them together at that point in time. With the current popularity of the ukulele, George Harrison has got to be smiling from somewhere. He gave them away as gifts and passed them out at parties for impromptu 'uke jam sessions'. So, here are the Fab Three performing a quick impromptu version of 'Ain't She Sweet'. Check out the instant harmony magic when George chimes in! Happy Birthday Paul!

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