The Abilene Zoo is excited to receive a pair of lions to come to Abilene. Their names are Kenya and Dixie, and they are brother and sister. The sibling pair of African lions came from the ABQ BioPark Zoo in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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This pair of lions have been searching for a new home for the past three years. Recently the ABQ BioPark Zoo received a suggestion for lions Kenya and Dixie to be transferred to another Association of Zoos and Aquariums accredited zoo facility.

This sibling pair of lions were born at the Safari Park Zoo in San Diego, California back in 2013. They've lived in the ABQ BioPark zoo since 2016. Their whole relocation was coordinated by the AZA’s African Lion Species Survival Plan (SSP) to help support the genetics, demographics, and long-term sustainability of lions in human care.

Kenya and Dixie’s arrival comes about a month after the pride of lions Jabulani, Saba, and Abagebe returned to their home zoo in Fort Worth. The Abilene Zoo was only a temporary holding zoo for Fort Worth’s pride because their home in Fort Worth was being completely reconstructed.

Now that construction at the Fort Worth Zoo has been completed they returned to their newly remolded home. Now here's the best news of all, Kenya and Dixie are not here in Abilene on a temporary basis, but rather they are now Abilene Zoo permanent residents.

LOOK: The Abilene Zoo Proudly Welcomes New African Lions

“We are very excited to continue to care for and display African lions here at the Abilene Zoo.” said Clay Carabajal, Supervisor of Conservation. “African lions are one of the most iconic species on the planet, however they are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Populations of wild lions have declined over 43% in the last 25 years due to poaching, habitat loss and depletion of the prey they hunt.”

Source: Abilene Zoo Press Release

Furthermore, recently the Abilene Zoo revealed their plans to create a new African lion habitat as part of the Zoo's future master plans. Kenya and Dixie are included in those plans.

You can help grow the Abilene Zoo, by becoming an annual member just sign up online. Then participate in all their upcoming events like Wild Days, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas, and more. I'll see you at the Abilene Zoo.

LOOK: The Abilene Zoo From A to Z

Here's a close-up look at the animals that call the Abilene Zoo home.