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Now that cooler weather is here I am so excited because a lot of my all-time favorite foods are here as well. While we all hear the same raves or complaints about "Pumpkin Spice Coffees" are back too. That said, I look past that argument and look forward to the food that seems to be a favorite during cooler weather.

First, and foremost my wife is allowing me to make (not one but two) huge pots of good-ole Texas Chili with no beans. Then there's what I believe was invented in Texas as well Chicken Fried Turkey. It's just like another Texas staple Chicken Fried Steak. However, Chicken Fried Turkey comes with gravy and all the Thanksgiving trimmings, like dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and whatever your thanksgiving dinner will include.

Another all-in-one meal that is only popular during cooler or downright cold weather and that is Chicken and Dumplings. This one has been touted by several restaurants like Kentucky Fried Chicken, Dairy Queen, Cracker Barrel, and many others. Then there's one of my weaknesses the Olive Gardens' Pumpkin Cheese Cake or Dunkin' Donuts Caramel Apple Croissant Donut.

The offerings are endless and the food holidays are around the corner so get ready to loosen your belt and enjoy the food photos that will have you looking for all these seasonal foods around West Texas and enjoy. As for me, I'm having a bowl of good ole Texas Chili for lunch, again with NO beans, thank you. Just beware that Chili's, Sonic and a few others are serving chili with beans.

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