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After spending the afternoon broadcasting live from Pam's Pets and Fish here in Abilene for the fall 2022 Townsquare Media Cruise Night event. I met a lot of listeners and several approached me and we're asking if I could give a shout-out to help them locate their lost pets. I learned very quickly by looking at the pictures and hearing the stories that these fur babies are not just pets but family members.

When an old acquaintance approached me by the name of Jennifer Woodard who used to be the director of the March of Dimes Big Country Chapter and shared two pictures of two of her fur babies that are currently missing. Jennifer went on to tell me that her fur babies have been posted on numerous websites like the Big Country Lost and Found Pets on Facebook, Lost Pets Abilene TX on Facebook, and Paw Boost lost and found pets Abilene database.

There's a Ca$h Reward Being Offered for Some of these Fur Babies up to $500

What's really amazing is that Jennifer is offering a $500 reward for the return of her lost pets. I was totally unaware that there were so many different lost and found pet social media pages that one could turn to. While most of the animals that are featured on these lost and found social media pages have not been recovered yet, all hope is not lost as many fur babies are being cared for by those that find them while trying to find the rightful owner.

LOOK: These Fur Babies Missing In And Around Abilene

These are but just a few of the photos of pets that are missing around the Big Country and the stories that people shared with me had me in tears. So, if we can all go to the different social media pages that feature lost animals and see if maybe a neighbor or a friend might be caring for one of the lost pets and help get them back home.

The staff at Pams Pets and Fish also have a "Lost and Found" bulletin board by the front door with pictures and information on these lost pets. They also have photos of pets needing homes. So, let's set a goal that for this holiday season we help find and return all fur babies that are lost.

One way is to get all our furbabies microchipped which is done by most all veterinarians and at the numerous pet vaccinating clinics that are done by places like Pams Pets and Fish, Jackson Brothers Feed, and the Abilene Animal Shelter. Most places charge the Abilene Animal Shelter only charges only $15.

The best thing is that when you find a lost fur baby you can find out whose baby that is by taking that lost pet to the nearest fire station in Abilene to have the microchip read. As all microchips will have the pet's name, owner's name address, and contact phone number.

Finally, if you've seen any of these fur babies and are hanging onto one trying to find the owner you now have several places to check. Let's get these fur babies home.

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