Update -When this article was originally written, footage of the Taco Bell manager pouring boiling water on a woman and child was not available. The video has now been attached to the article. Keep reading to watch the footage which does contain sensitive content.

Original Story - A Taco Bell in Dallas is in hot water after a manager literally poured boiling water on a customer recently. Now that customer is suing the company for $1 million.

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According to WFAA in Dallas, the woman and her daughter went into the Taco Bell at 11829 Abrams Road on June 17th to get some food. The store messed up their order twice and apparently was not willing to fix the order for the third time.

The woman, identified as Brittany Davis, then went into the store to get her order corrected. Once inside, she encountered an employee who refused to remake the order. After about 10 minutes of arguing with the employee, the manager came out and promptly poured a bucket of boiling water over her and her daughter, who is a minor.

The child suffered burns so badly that the hospital had to cut her clothes off because her clothes were melted to her skin.

The mother and daughter tried to make an escape but discovered that the door was suddenly locked and they could not leave. The manager then came out with another bucket of boiling water threatening to pour it over them again. Brittany and her daughter were able to escape but not before some major damage had been done.

The child suffered burns so badly that the hospital had to cut her clothes off because her clothes were melted to her skin. Meanwhile, the mother was not only burned but also experienced at least 10 seizures as they made their way to the emergency room.

Check out the video of the alleged assault now courtesy of Dallas Texas TV

The woman is suing

I honestly think $1 million is not enough to cover the emotional and physical damage that some idiot caused to someone just because they were ticked off about having to correct their own mistake.

We are living in some weird times for sure.

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