If you turned on your television Sunday night and were overwhelmed by the smell of something awful, it was probably emanating from Lifetime -- because that's when the erstwhile Women in Peril network aired the much maligned and over-hyped ‘Liz & Dick’ biopic starring Linsday Lohan.

The movie (which we think was an immediate camp classic) has been on the radar for months, most likely because Lifetime had to drum up ratings to make back all the money they paid to insure LiLo’s appearance. And based on the sheer quantity of tweets about the nuclear hot mess of a movie, people were definitely watching.

They just weren’t enjoying.

The critics had already weighed in – and didn’t have many good things to say – but on Sunday, it was Twitter’s turn. And Twitter was not pleased.

The missives included comments about a lack of chemistry, wooden acting, fake tears and fake falls and about how pretty much every viewer wanted to be viewing anything but that movie at that moment.

Here are just a few of the most amusing tweets we found, plus a couple bonuses as the end.


Tweet of the night goes to Patton Oswalt, who spent much of the movie’s airtime blasting Lohan on the social networking site:


And finally, an ominous warning to everyone who thought it necessary to tweet how bad the movie was to anyone smart enough not to watch it in the first place:

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