This is it, folks. If Moxxi manages to win against Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect 2, then she'll be inducted into the Cosplay Hall of Fame. Make those votes count!

Katy-Angel's Mad Moxxi is on the last leg of her journey to greatness. She's defeated foe after foe in the Clash, using nothing but her good looks and kooky attitude. Can she make it to the end?

ThresherMaw's Miranda Lawson is the final opponent for Moxxi. This girl has been genetically-enhanced to be perfect and is often called Cerberus's cheerleader, but can you root for her to win?

It’s up to you to decide who will win this Cosplay Clash between the beauty who hunts psychos and the psychotic biotic! Voting closes on June 17 10AM PST.

Rules of Cosplay Clash:

Fans can vote once per hour for their favorite cosplayer. If a cosplayer remains the reigning champ for seven straight matches, they are retired to the Arcade Sushi Cosplay Hall of Fame. With so many great cosplayers out there, we have to give other cosplayers a chance.


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