Pumpkin Carving 101: The Guide to Gorgeous Gourds This Fall
This is that time of year in Texas when gourds and pumpkins make an appearance everywhere. From the decorating of front porches to delicious pies at the dinner table, pumpkins are put to great use by many each fall.
When many of us think of pumpkins, especially this close to Halloween, we think of carving them into jack-o-lanterns. I've always had a blast carving up pumpkins, even going back to my childhood. For me, I always tried going the spooky and creepy route when decorating. But, nowadays the creativity that I see simply blows my mind.

Before you get ready to make your jack-o-lantern, there are tips and tricks to carving that perfect pumpkin according to NPR News. Check out below for 8 simple steps just in time for Halloween.
Pick Out the Correct Pumpkin
If you have a design already in mind, pick a shaped pumpkin that will match. Inspect your pumpkin carefully and check for soft spots. That means the pumpkin is begging to spoil and you don't want that. Avoid picking a pumpkin with deep ridges. Although they look cool, it makes the carving more difficult.
Clean It Out and Thin the Shell
To carve a good pumpkin, you may need to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. This involves removing the strings and seeds from inside the pumpkin. A special scraping tool could be a big help. Then, you'll want to scrape and thin the shell. If you don't, it could make it more difficult to carve.
Sketch Out Your Design So You Can Transfer It
If you're an artist and can free-hand your design, great. But for more detail, try tracing on paper and punching pinholes through the paper to the pumpkin. Carve along the dots, and presto.
Think Outside the Jack-O-Lantern Face
Pumpkins can be so much more than two eyes and a mouth. Try carving some bats, headstones, or even a spooky forest.
Try Shaving Not Carving
Scraping away just enough to let a glowing shine through creates new design possibilities altogether. Experts say the best tool for the job is a linoleum scraper.
Be Patient
Experts say carving a good pumpkin design could take anywhere from two to four hours. Take your time and have fun.
Pumpkins Don't Have to Be Perfect
If your pumpkin is lopsided or misshaped, that can add to its character. It's alright for a design to be different.
Light Them Up
I always stick votive candles in my pumpkins. Experts say six to eight for a large pumpkin. That makes a nice glow. An alternative to candles is Christmas lights. Try ones that blink for an added effect.
Yes indeed, the more pumpkins I see, the closer Halloween gets. Decorations can go a lot further than just jack-o-lanterns. Check out these houses all fixed up for the holiday.
LOOK: All These Halloween Decorated Houses Are Right Here In Abilene.
Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez
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