Deadpool Declines SNL Hosting in ‘Leaked’ Kanye West-Style Rant
Just days into the movie’s run as the most successful R-rated opening of all time, Deadpool seemingly broke a fifth wall with a 20,000-strong petition to host SNL, or at least Ryan Reynolds in character. Take your pick of reasons that would never happen, but now Deadpool has given an official response, dragging Kanye West’s recent backstage tirade into the mix.
True to the character, Ryan Reynolds recorded an official “leaked” rant explaining the character’s disinterest in hosting SNL, noting that Lorne Michaels stole his Life of Pablo album, among other slights. The rant also takes aim at Taylor Swift Rip Taylor, as the Merc With a Mouth esteems his influence above the Kia Sorrento, Barbara Bush, The Muppets, Wolverine, among others.
The original petition is currently hovering around 68,000 signatures, only a few shy of its 75,000 goal. Of course, Reynolds actually has hosted SNL prior, taking the stage in 2009 with Lady Gaga (man, are we that old?), and it wouldn’t surprise if the Deadpool star popped up on Season 41's guest roster regardless of any petition.
Just don’t put him with Kanye West. Or put anyone with Kanye West, for that matter. Or do any putting of anything in, and/or around Kanye West. It does not end well.
In the meantime, SNL will return on March 5 with Jonah Hill and Future, the only confirmed pairing as of yet. If not Deadpool, might Reynolds himself still pop up?
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