It has been a regular joke for a few years now that any struggling franchise just needs to bring Dwayne Johnson into the fold if it wants to regain relevance, but thanks to SNL, we now know that he is very aware of the joke. While guest hosting the world’s most famous live sketch comedy show, Johnson devoted his entire monologue to crooning a song about how he’s “franchise viagra.”

And you know what? It’s funny because it’s true. Johnson has shown up in a lot of sequels, from Journey 2: The Mysterious Island to G.I. Joe: Retaliation to the last couple of Fast and Furious movies. Each of those blockbuster franchises has seen a bump since he got involved, so we cannot blame the man for taking a few minutes to recognize his unique ability to, uh, reinvigorate any move franchise.

Backed up by a quartet of SNL’s female stars, Johnson sings a message to Hollywood, imploring them to cast him in everything from the sequels to Frozen and Avatar (all they need to do is “paint his ass blue”). He even gets slightly original, asking us to imagine Zero Dark 31, where he gets to hunt down Osama bin Laden’s ghost. Now there’s a movie we’d watch.

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