I'll tell you this. When it comes to safety on the road, not all states are created equal. Throughout our nation there are certain regions known for dangerous driving conditions and, unfortunately, a higher amount of accidents. It's no doubt due to congested highways, bad weather, or maybe the ridiculous amount of distracted drivers on the road.

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Forbes conducted some recent research and found that the five states below have earned the reputation for being home to some of the worst drivers in the nation. Several key metrics went into the data including fatal accidents that:

  • Involve a drowsy driver
  • Involve drivers who were driving the wrong way
  • Involve drivers who drive on the wrong side of the road
  • Involve the highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes
  • Involve a distracted driver

Buckle up as we discover the states that need to brush up on their driving skills.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

5. Kentucky

  • 4th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver
  • 8th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a drowsy driver
  • 9th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who was driving the wrong way on a one-way street or on the wrong side of the road

4. Oklahoma

  • 7th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver
  • 8th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who failed to obey traffic signs or a traffic officer
  • 9th worst for drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes

3. Kansas

  • 2nd highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver
  • 3rd highest number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who disobeyed traffic signs, traffic signals, or a traffic officer
  • 4th worst state for fatal car accidents involving a drowsy driver
  • 5th worst for fatal car accidents involving a driver who was driving the wrong way on a one-way street or on the wrong side of the road
Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

2. Louisiana

  • 3rd highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver
  • 8th highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes
  • 10th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a drowsy driver

1. Texas

  • 2nd worst in the nation for fatal car accidents involving a drowsy driver
  • 2nd worst in the nation for fatal car accidents involving a driver who was driving the wrong way on a one-way street or on the wrong side of the road
  • 3rd highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes
  • 9th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver

Texas takes the prize as being the state with the worst drivers. Do you agree? Check out the complete list including some of the metrics used below.

In this day and age, you have to be careful on the road. Our nation is filled with all kinds of weird traffic laws. If you're looking for a good chuckle, these won't disappoint. Just look below.


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