It was a fantastic Super Bowl XLV as the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers 31-25. The game was up for grabs all the way to the final minute.

The Super Bowl commercials this year however, were a mixed bag in my opinion. I thought that as a whole, they were not quite as good as in years past.


A few were pretty tasteless. USA Today actually tracked the response to the ads in real time during the Super Bowl and here's how they shook out as far as the top ten:

1. (tie) Bud Light dog party
2. (tie) Pug taunted by Doritos
3. Kid dressed as Darth Vader turns on VW Passat
4. Roommate brings back friend's grandpa from the dead using Doritos.
5. Man's wife throws Pepsi Maxx at him when he smiles at pretty girl and hits the girl instead, knocking her out.
6. Careerbuilder chimps park too close to man in parking lot.
7. Different thoughts of man and woman on a date before Pepsi Maxx arrives.
8. NFL spot that showed football-related clips of classic TV shows.
9. Bridgestone spot in which a beaver pays back a man who saved its life.
10. Two enemy border guards share some Coca-Cola.

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