cell phones

Cell Phone Etiquette – Places Not to Talk on the Phone
Cell Phone Etiquette – Places Not to Talk on the Phone
Cell Phone Etiquette – Places Not to Talk on the Phone
Forever and ever I resisted getting a smart phone. I was content with my little flip phone, if for no other reason than it was small, but also for many of the reasons featured in this video. I didn't want to be tethered to the phone 24/7. Plus, there seems to be a lack of etiquette when it comes to our phones these days.
This is What It’s Like Not Having a Phone These Days
This is What It’s Like Not Having a Phone These Days
This is What It’s Like Not Having a Phone These Days
One time two years ago, some skeezebag stole our phone right out of our purse. For three months we were phone-less. So, we feel fairly well qualified to testify that this video, about what it's like to be surrounded by friends with smartphones when you don't have one, is pretty much spot on.

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