
Can You Get Fired In Texas For Acting Up at The Office Christmas
Can You Get Fired In Texas For Acting Up at The Office Christmas
Can You Get Fired In Texas For Acting Up at The Office Christmas
Ahh, the Holidays - family, fun and the Office Christmas Party! Over the years, I've gone to every office Christmas party and have seen some wild things. The big question is - If you do act up and your behavior is awful - can you actually get fired at your Christmas Party?!
School Bus Driver Helps Police – Gets Fired [VIDEO]
School Bus Driver Helps Police – Gets Fired [VIDEO]
School Bus Driver Helps Police – Gets Fired [VIDEO]
Here's a story that lends credence to the saying 'no good deed goes unpunished'.  New York school bus driver George Daw was fired after giving a ride to two police officers.  Daw was wrapping up his route on August 1st during a hail storm when he came upon a police car that was stalled due to flooding.  The officers were asking for help and told Daw they needed a ride back to their precinct.  On t