Ranking Every Queen Live AlbumRanking Every Queen Live AlbumThey created a new musical amalgam then brought it all to life with eye-popping in-concert theatrics. Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
55 Years Ago: Freddie Mercury Makes His Debut With Pre-Queen Band55 Years Ago: Freddie Mercury Makes His Debut With Pre-Queen BandThe singer was then known as Freddie Bulsara.Allison RappAllison Rapp
How Adam Lambert Channels Freddie Mercury in Key Queen Set MomentHow Adam Lambert Channels Freddie Mercury in Key Queen Set MomentBrian May offered singer advice for performing mega-hit "Somebody to Love."Bryan RolliBryan Rolli
Spinal Tap’s Derek Smalls on Spinal Tap’s Spinal Tap MomentSpinal Tap’s Derek Smalls on Spinal Tap’s Spinal Tap MomentBassist says stage techs at Freddie Mercury tribute thought band's real-life sound problem was part of their performance.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Mercury Threw Out Vicious Mercury Threw Out Vicious Queen frontman snarkily referred to the Sex Pistols bassist as "Simon Ferocious." Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
May Can't Watch Mercury SaleMay Can't Watch Mercury SaleMany of the late Queen singer's personal items are being sold to the highest bidder. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Wrestlers Channel Freddie MercuryWrestlers Channel Freddie MercurySongs by Queen, Metallica and Jefferson Airplane were also featured during the 'All In' event. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Mama Mia! It's 'Mongolian Rhapsody'!Mama Mia! It's 'Mongolian Rhapsody'!Would Queen's classic "Bohemian Rhapsody" have been as popular under a different name? Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Freddie Mercury AuctionFreddie Mercury AuctionLate Queen singer's closest friend prepares to part with 1,500 items from his London home after 30 years.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Mercury Still Bought Art at EndMercury Still Bought Art at EndMainstay of British rock industry recalls his time with Queen icon, the Beatles and Rolling Stones.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Queen’s ‘The Show Must Go On’: Freddie Mercury’s Epic Final BowQueen’s ‘The Show Must Go On’: Freddie Mercury’s Epic Final BowSong echoed singer's determination to continue making music in the months before his death. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Freddie Mercury’s ‘Wonderful Solution’ for Equality in QueenFreddie Mercury’s ‘Wonderful Solution’ for Equality in QueenRoger Taylor admits four-way split deal “didn’t go that well for me.”Martin KieltyMartin Kielty