We all snicker about strange or quirky events that pop up only every four years during the Summer Olympics. Synchronized swimming, air rifle, and more. But this one takes the cake.
Four or five years ago, you couldn't get away from it on Facebook. Feed my livestock, water my crops, fertilize. We couldn't escape the allure of "Farmville." Now, it seem to have all but disappeared.
I saw this and think we should all get together and do this immediately... check out this human foosball game. We could get some teams of six people and do this!
With the start of another school year I am reminded of the many different school house games like tag, red light green light, mother may I, stick ball, dodgeball, kickball or king of the hill. Here's a list of five popular games amongst grade school kids...
You probably think of Monopoly as that excruciating board game you have to play with your family, unless your mom likes to make her nephews cry and it gets banned from the house (thanks, Mom!). It turns out it's not the Parker Bros.' fault that the game is so mind-numbingly dull -- it's yours. You've been playing it wrong all these years.
Remember Tamagotchi? The handheld digital pet, which you raised from an egg to an adult creature, was all the rage in the '90s.
Now it's back, as an app.
The public has spoken and Monopoly will cast away the boring old iron token, a symbol of domestic housework from a simpler time (it's not even an electric iron), which has been included in the board game for almost 80 years.
In its place will be a cat. Hey, are you really that surprised? The internet loves cats.
Sorry 'Monopoly' fans, you're going to have to say good-bye to one iconic game piece soon. According to a recent Facebook post, 'Monopoly' wants their fans to vote on which piece is their favorite. The item with the fewest votes will be kicked out of the game, 'American Idol'-style.
First thing's first. If you read this headline and clicked over here hoping for an iOS game featuring a certain green-hued anti hero, we're sorry to report that this game has nothing to do with Bruce Banner's alter ego returning from outer space with an army. But if you clicked over here hoping for news about a certain table-top science fantasy game, then you are in luck!
With new technology and video games, kids today are turning to small screens for their entertainment. But not so long ago you'll recall a time when board games were all the rage.