Landon has a well-earned reputation as a destroyer of iPhones. His friends make fun of him for it all the time. Well, one of those friends got a taste of her own medicine today!
Most of us - myself included - have grown to be very reliant on our smart phones. So, it should come as no surprise that when I damaged my iPhone recently, I had a feeling of helplessness similar to being bedridden with the flu.
If you have an iPhone then you know about Siri. I love my iPhone and I even have Siri call me "Me Lady" Ha! I just found this video of questions to ask her and the funny things she will say.
I saw Shay's video about how to make an iPhone speaker out of a roll of toilet paper, and how you can amplify your music with a couple of scores from an X-ACTO knife. I'm a conspiracy theorist by nature, so I decided to put Shay's toilet paper speaker to the test.
So, the iPhone 5s just came out and has taken over all the headlines. Well, I'm here to say it's not the greatest thing ever. As a matter of fact, I personally feel like a good ol' cheeseburger is better than that silly iPhone 5s. I'm so confident of the cheeseburger's dominance over the i5s, that I've compiled a tasty little list of reasons for you.
So everybody with the new iPhone has been posting videos they've done with the phone's "slow-motion" feature. We think this is one of the best we've seen so far!
Today's world is technology driven. Everywhere you look, iPhones, iPads, iPods. While there are great benefits to much of this technology, I think there is also a downside. However, I finally gave into peer pressure and finally joined the ranks of the 'cool kids' and got myself an iPhone.
We're sure Apple fanboys will have something to say about this. In a head-to-head contest between Siri and Google Voice Search, it looks like Siri is the loser.
Whatever your opinion of heavy metal god and legendary crankster Dave Mustaine, there's no denying that the dude can shred. But what's even more impressive is this amazing cover of Mustaine's solo from Megadeth's 'Holy Wars...The Punishment Due.' Oh, and did we mention that this heavy metal fan plays it on an iPhone?
Abilene is full of great musicians, from country to rock to metal and more. Every so often I run across a gem that really sticks out for one reason or another. Well, that time has come again with Tate Ellison. Tate Ellison has a new song that every single person in the free world can relate to (my wife as well)...and that's being with someone who lives on their phone.
If you've got a lot of time and a helicopter on your hands, we might have just the thing for you. Allow us to introduce you to the Kraay Family Farm — more importantly, the 13th annual Kraay Family Farm corn maze.