Explore how Halloween transformed from honoring saints to a night of mischievous pranks and vandalism. Texans must know the truth about Trick or Treat.
While the City of Abilene doesn't have any set rules or laws for trick or treating in Abilene. Here are some general safety tips to help make Halloween more enjoyable.
We teach our children about 'stranger danger', then along comes this scary Halloween video. Please make sure your kids watch this very frightening video too.
Halloween is next week! I love getting dressed up and handing out candy, but every once and a while, I'll have a trick or treater that seems a bit old to be asking for candy.
Everyone thinks their neighborhood is the best for trick-or-treating. But the folks at real estate site Zillow have actually compiled a list of the best cities for scoring some ‘tricks or treats’ this Halloween.
In creating its third annual Trick-or-Treat Index, Zillow considered factors such as median home values, crime rates, population density and overall “walkability” when choosing the 20 best