92 percent. That’s the number of moviegoers who want to see a female-led superhero movie, according to the results of a new poll released to coincide with advance ticket sales for Wonder Woman. 92 percent isn’t shocking, but what is shocking is that despite OBVIOUS audience interest, it’s been over 10 years since the last superhero movie featuring a woman hit theaters. What gives?
There are awards for everything in Hollywood except craft services (at least to my knowledge; if there are craft services awards please let me know, I’d love to attend and eat the food). That means there are trophies for movie trailers, which are honored each year by the Golden Trailer Awards...
When it comes to online movie polls, which ones do you think the public is usually most excited for: little indie pictures or huge superhero/sci-fi/fantasy blockbusters? Spoiler alert— it’s the blockbusters. Shocking, I know. In Fandango’s year-end poll of the most anticipated movies of 2017, Star Wars: Episode VIII, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and the live-action Beauty and the Beast took the top spots.
2016 is almost over! Hallelujah! With everything that’s happened in the last 12 months, we can’t wait to rip the last page of our 2016 Spider-Man wall calendar and hang up our 2017 Spider-Man wall calendar.
Though critics so far have not been kind to Batman vs. Superman (currently at a 32% on Rotten Tomatoes), one of the bright spots for the film has been the reception to Wonder Woman who, despite her minimal screen time, has earned highly positive reviews. Perhaps looking to capitalize on that word of mouth, Warner Bros. has wisely decided to reveal the first official photo from the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, including our first look at Hippolyta, Antiope and Menalippe.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It's right there in the title: Batman fighting Superman is the titular attraction (and also maybe some justice?), and yet according to a new survey, Wonder Woman is the part of the film audiences are looking forward to the most. Gal Gadot's debut as the iconic superhero ranked highest in the poll, with Jesse Eisenberg's wacky take on Lex Luthor coming in second.
It’s been a whirlwind 24 hours for DC fans, what with the full-length Suicide Squad trailer barreling into the public view during its big debut in the CW’s Dawn of the Justice League special last night. But while fans tuned into the hypeathon were left in a daze by the high-energy spot, they might have missed a preview just as hotly anticipated, teasing a DC property just as major...
Last we heard, Warner Bros. hadn’t yet officially given the Wonder Woman solo film the green light, which wasn’t entirely surprising given that a script wasn’t firmly in place. But today brings good news on the Wonder Woman front: shooting will begin this fall for the hero’s upcoming solo adventure, with — as previously confirmed — Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad vet Michelle MacLaren in the director’s chair.
So here's some pretty exciting news on top of the already exciting news that Wonder Woman is getting her very own solo film from DC and Warner Bros. A new report reveals plans that Wonder Woman's first solo outing will be set in a time period before the 'Justice League' film -- actually, it'll be set long, long before then. Not only that, but there are ultimately plans for three 'Wonder Woman' films. Three! Your move, Marvel.
Not to be outdone by the big 'Captain America 3'/Civil War announcement from earlier this week, Warner Bros. dropped some superhero news of their own. They've confirmed their 2017, 2018 and 2019 superhero movies as well as announced some new casting for members of the new Justice League.