Ted Nugent and David Crosby Are in a Hall of Fame War of Words
Ted Nugent and David Crosby are in the midst of a social-media spat over Nugent’s claim that “political correctness” is keeping him out of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Crosby has dismissed the Motor City Madman's work as not good enough, while Nugent called the former Byrds star a “bloated chemical repository” in response.
Nugent fired the first shot last week when he accused Hall of Fame boss Jann Wenner of hating the Second Amendment and the NRA, of which Nugent is a board member. “That’s the only reason I’m not in,” Nugent said. “And until they get their heads out of their ass, I’m more than happy to do what I do and do it with all the vim and vigor that I do it every night.” However, asked if he’d like to be inducted, he replied, “Hell, yes.”
Nugent is nearing the end of a U.S. tour, while Crosby commences a road trip at the end of October. This is actually their second round of insults in 2017. They also clashed over Nugent’s visit to the White House to meet President Donald Trump last April. Crosby said the “pair of a--holes” wore “insincere smiles,” prompting Nugent to call him a “lost soul” in response.
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