Texas Man Gets $567,000 for Sexual Harassment Because His Boss Made Him ‘Motorboat’ Her
A Texas man that spent more than 30 years in law enforcement has won his sexual harassment lawsuit against his former boss after she forced him to motorboat her.
55-year-old Galveston County Constable Pam Matranga reportedly would walk up to the man, lift her shirt over his head and kind of put him in some sort of motorboatin' booblock. There were also claims of some other stuff like lap dances, and offers of all sorts of sexual acts.
51-year-old former deputy constable, James Gist hid spy camera on his desk to catch her unwanted advances, and she found it and deleted the contents. Then asked the DA to file charges against the man. Gist was demoted from Sergeant to Deputy, then forced him to resign.
Constable Matranga was eventually dropped from the lawsuit leaving Galveston County responsible for paying damages. Last Friday Gist was awarded $567,000 by a Galveston County jury, almost $200,000 more than asked for.