Whether imagining Donald Trump in the world of Westeros, or just the regular one, there’s little denying that the 2016 elections have been a nightmare to witness. The Simpsons have now made that literally true, with a standalone clip taking aim at any and all of the presidential candidates.

Independent of any upcoming episode, The Simpsons released a new clip aimed at the all the infighting of our 2016 election, as Marge wakes from a stress dream of actual audio from the various campaigns. Unfortunately, imagining it all as a happy song and dance doesn’t particularly help, as Homer points out “I guess dreaming doesn’t work.”

Still, it’s surprisingly topical as Simpsons animations go, exposing Marco Rubio as a robot, and a break-dancing hair monster atop Donald Trump’s head. The Simpsons will get even more topical this May, has Homer takes audience questions in a first-ever live segment, sure to be politically charged as well.

In the meantime, check out the Simpsons election parody above, and stay tuned for the latest.

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