Here’s 5 Crazy Things I Witnessed While People Watching At Walmart
Like many of us in Texas, I spend my share of time and money at Walmart. It's that weekly chore of getting everything you need to prepare you for the next week ahead. Unless you go early in the morning, you'll almost always find Abilene Walmarts packed with people. I always bump into somebody I know. Walmart is a busy place.

Recently I was doing some shopping at Walmart. I needed a money order, but the line at the money services counter was long. I decided to hang out for a while to see if things died down. I'll tell you this. Walmart is a great place to watch people—the things you see. I witnessed things that made me angry, made me laugh, and things that melted my heart all within about 30 minutes. Look below to see if you've encountered anything like what I saw.
Some Shoppers Are Rude
I've got to hand it to the Walmart employee I saw. They tried helping an impatient customer locate an item. They even pulled out their phone to help search the inventory. I felt sorry for how the employee was treated when the item was no longer available.
Unwanted Items Are Put Back Wherever
As a Walmart shopper, I've had to do it too. You realize you have something in your cart that you don't need or you find something better. What do you do with the old item? I noticed a shopper put a package of hamburger meat back on an open shelf. There's no telling how long that meat sat there, unrefrigerated, until somebody found it. Yuck. It doesn't take all that long to place the item back where it came from.
Walmart Shoppers Have a Sense of Humor
It's true. You never know what you're going to get at Walmart. Every trip is like a different adventure in what you'll see. I saw a man during COVID-19 who instead of wearing a mask, covered his entire head in a paper bag. Never a dull moment at Walmart.
There's Something Special About the Heart of a Child
This one got me. We've all seen the area of Walmart where they post pictures of missing children. It was there that I noticed a small boy, kneeling on the bench in front of the pictures. He was praying...praying for those missing children. As a dad myself, it keeps me going every day to know that there is still goodness like this in the hearts of our children.
Shoppers Snack Straight From Unopened Items
I understand. Hunger strikes at any time but I was always taught they it isn't yours until you have paid for it. Grabbing some chips and eating them right then and there could get you some awkward looks and even some trouble if caught. It's better to pay for the items and avoid all the shoplifting accusations.
Walmarts are not quite like any other place out there. From the things you can get to the things you see, there's no telling what you'll encounter. There's Walmart in Texas that is geared up with everything Dallas Cowboys. Check it out below.
This Texas Walmart Has The Largest Dallas Cowboys Section!
Gallery Credit: Leo
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