Here’s a look at some interesting events that took place on this day in history:

1872: In defiance of the law, suffragist Susan B. Anthony votes for the first time and is later fined $100 (more info)

1895: George B. Selden is granted the first U.S. patent for a gas-powered automobile (more info)

1968: The first black woman to serve in Congress, Shirley Chisholm, is elected (more info)

1994: 45-year-old George Foreman knocks out 26-year-old Michael Moorer, becoming the oldest heavyweight champ in the history of boxing (more info)

2007: Members of the Writers Guild of America go on strike after negotiations break down with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, halting production on at least 60 television shows for more than three months (more info)

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