Here’s 8 Guaranteed Ways to Tick Off a Texan
Except for a couple of radio gigs in other states, I've always lived right here in Texas. Born and raised in the Panhandle, I'm proud to be a Texan. The Lone Star State has its own swagger and its own style. I like that. However, sometimes folks from other states just don't understand the Texas way. Their assumptions can get aggravating, especially to a native Texan.

Only In Your State agrees and notes several ways to annoy someone from Texas. It's easy to do if you're not careful. Warning: if you're a die-hard Texan, the below list could get you fired up.
Saying You've Been to Texas When You've Only Visited the Capitol
Texas is a big place. Austin, Houston, and Dallas are great but there's so much more to see. Consider going somewhere with no tourists in sight and maybe you'll catch a glimpse of the real Texas.
Putting Beans in Texas Chili
Please. Under no circumstances do you ever, ever put beans in chili. Not around these parts. Don't get me wrong, beans are great. Just not in chili.
Assuming Everyone in Texas Wears Cowboy Boots
C'mon now. Really? Not that there's anything wrong with wearing boots. I have a pair I love. I just don't wear them everywhere. Boots are absolutely not for every Texan.
Mocking Our Intense Love For High School Football
This one is huge. In Texas, high school football is king. Our love runs deep for Friday night lights. Know it. Respect it.
Thinking Texans Ride Horses Everywhere They Go
An out-of-state pal was joking with me lately and asked if I rode my horse to work. He was almost clobbered. Horses are great and a big part of Texas, but no, they're not what Texans consider a main mode of transportation.
Having Bad Manners
Mom and Dad taught me manners, thank you very much. They were instilled in me at an early age. How about you? It's the Texas way.
Thinking All Texans Wear Belt Buckles This Big
I know I've always heard wisecracks about Texans and their belt buckles. It's true, we love our rodeos. Buckles are like trophies. However, not all of us go that route, and to assume so is no bueno in my book.
Having Tex-Mex Restaurants in Outside States
Think about the phrase "Tex-Mex" for a minute, and let it sink in. We love our signature restaurants here in Texas and we're not about to give them up. Having them anywhere else makes zero sense to me. Just don't do it.
If you're guilty of any of the above, you more than likely fired up a Texan. The more you know the better, right? Check out the complete list for even more things to avoid doing that could tick off a Texan.
Now that you know what ticks off a Texan, try exploring the state. There are many attractions you can visit for free. Check out below for just a few.
Top 10 FREE Things To Do In Texas This Summer
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