Tim Tebow Is America’s Most Desirable Celebrity Neighbor — Survey of the Day
Tim Tebow may have missed out on being selected to the Pro Bowl Tuesday, but the polarizing Denver Broncos quarterback has just received a completely different type of honor.
Number 15 is the celebrity the most Americans would like to live next door to in 2012, according to a new poll.
Tebow garnered 11 percent of the vote in Zillow’s annual survey of what celebrity would make the most desirable neighbor, just edging out Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who were second at 10 percent.
Pitt’s ex, Jennifer Aniston, and her current squeeze, Justin Theroux, teamed up in third place with nine percent, followed by newly single Jennifer Lopez (six percent) and Jay-Z and Beyonce (five percent).
Forty-two percent of those polled answered that they didn’t want to live next to any celebrity, proving that at least 42 percent of Americans are pretty smart.
[PR News]