Broadway is the place for new beginnings, excitement, and, like with ‘Spider-Man,’ a place for catastrophe. NBC’s new show ‘Smash‘ seeks to harness all these elements into the story line of budding actress Karen Cartwright who wants to make her fortune onstage in a musical production dedicated to Marilyn Monroe.

Don’t have a TV? No problem, you can watch ‘Smash’ online for free.

iTunes has a lot of free stuff for download, and pilots are usually on that list. Sure enough, the first episode of ‘Smash’ is ready for watching.

SideReel is another great location to watch free shows online. It provides a list of links to Videobb, Megavideo and similar formats to watch the show and episode you’re looking for. The downside? There are some dupes mixed in that won’t play or are linked to the wrong video. Also, you can only watch about an hour’s worth before the player asks you to pay for an upgrade.

Know of any other places to watch ‘Smash’ online for free? Let us know in the comments.


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