What Texas Laws Went Into Effect with the New Year?
As we are all aware, Texas has officially become an Open Carry state with the new year. But what are some of the other laws that went into effect on January 1st?
Apart from the widely debated and covered HB 910 that turned Texas into an Open Carry state, several other laws signed by Gov. Abbott went into affect on the first day of 2016, including,
HB 1550 - New rules for pharmacists in the administering of epinephrine through an auto-injector device.
HB 1888 - Restrictions made for learner's permit holders who only drive commercial vehicles. Fees authorized and penalties increased for commercial licenses.
HB 1905 - The repeal of certain state and local taxes. Airlines and trails are now tax exempt on serving alcohol.
HB 2259 - Certain conditions removed for imposing taxes on residential properties.
SB 200 - The continuation of the Health and Human Services Commission, focusing on preventing and early intervention for health problems.
SB 277 - The abolition of the Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Oversight Task Force and The Advisory Committee on Impatient Mental Health Services.
SB 859 - Each partner in a limited liability partnership is responsible for a $200 payment on the day annual reports are filed.
SB 1049 - Exemptions from franchise taxes on franchises owned by veterans.
SB 1760 - Property tax forms are able to be signed electronically. Property owners may also designate a lessee to act on their behalf.
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