Willie Nelson got busted for marijuana possession again this past November, just days before his performance here in Abilene. Many wondered whether he would make the show. Of course he did, and to a near sellout crowd.

Now as the time comes due to decide Willie's punishment, the judge in the case may allow a novel approach.


The prosecutor in Hudspeth county seems to believe that there are a lot worse problems in his jurisdiction and others around the country, that this misdemeanor can go away.....with a song.

The judge could act on prosecutor recommendation and sentence Willie to a $100 fine and make him sing "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" in the court room as penance. I can hear Willie tuning up Trigger right about now.

And I've got to agree. There are worse problems to deal with than the pot that Willie might have on his bus. It would have been more surprising if they didn't find any when he was stopped.

And on the other side of the equation, Willie was stopped in this same area and busted previously. How smart do you have to be not to be in possession of illegal substances when your million dollar "WILLIE NELSON" tour bus rolls through Hudspeth County in Texas? More on the story here at www.cnn.com .

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