If you’ve been watching the Olympics then you probably notice the irritated, grumpy man sitting behind Aly Raisman’s parents as she went for the gold in the gymnastics floor exercise Tuesday night.

Yes, I understand the man’s anger. Who hasn’t been in the situation where you go to an event (whether sports or concerts) and have someone in front of you stand up and block your view?

But surely, this guy had to know who these people were sitting, standing and yelling in front of him! Earlier in the competition, I noticed this man giving Aly’s parents dirty looks and all I could think was, “Dude, stop it!”

Imagine being the parent of an Olympian. You’ve toted him or her around to endless practices and out of town competitions. You’ve worked hard to pay for the best coaches possible, not to mention the worry of injury and good old fashion stress!

So, when your daughter is competing at the Olympics and doing great, do people really expect for you to keep your composure?

Hey Mister Grumpy Man, think about it and stop being rude! Enjoy the fact that you were part of Aly’s parents enthusiastic celebration!

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