It’s happened to everyone — you text your husband or wife, “I love you with every fiber of my being,” but your phone actually sends, “I love you with every fiber of malaysia.” Most of the time it’s funny, but one person experienced the worst case of autocorrect ever. So bad, in fact, that it prompted a school-wide lockdown.

In the town of Oakwood, GA, on Wednesday, someone received a text message from a number they didn’t recognize that read, “Gunman be at West Hall today.” Taking this to mean somebody with a gun was going to show up at the local West Hall High School, the recipient immediately contacted authorities, who placed the school under lockdown.

However, when police investigated the text, they found that the sender actually meant to type, “Gunna be at West Hall today.” But the autocorrect didn’t recognize the popular abbreviation for “going to” and instituted the unfortunate switch.

“It was a combination of odd circumstances,” said Sgt. Stephen Wilbanks of the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. “We want to emphasize that the recipient did the right thing in reporting the message.”

Police also said the sender will not be charged, since he had no intention of making a threat. Which should come as a relief to everybody whose fingers are sometimes quicker than their brains.

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