Saturday was a banner day for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Abilene. Thanks to the efforts of Communities of Abilene Federal Credit Union (CoAFCU) and their third annual “Skip-A-Loan Payment” Program, the largest single contribution in the history of BBBS in Abilene was presented at their annual “Big Picnic” at Festival Gardens near Abilene Zoo.

The CoAFCU “Skip-A-Loan” Program allowed members of the credit union to skip a loan payment during the months of November and December by making a $10 donation to BBBS. Each donation was then matched by CoAFCU, generating a $20 donation for each skipped payment. Some members chose to donate even though they weren’t involved in the “Skip-A-Loan Payment” Program, and the total amount raised was $34,000.

As it turns out, the Communities of Abilene Federal Credit Union’s annual “Skip-A-Loan Payment” fundraiser  has been making the largest contribution to Big Brothers Big Sisters in Abilene for each of the three years it has been in existence. All totaled, the program has raised nearly $90,000 for BBBS.

The check presentation was witnessed by about 150 area matches (Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and the kids they sponsor), and proved to be an exciting addition to what was already a great day at the park for everybody involved. The Big Picnic came complete with great food, face painting, water dodgeball, and a visit from the newly-formed ACU Fishing Club, who gave matches fishing lessons.


I love to share news about a great organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters receiving help from fellow members of the community. It’s a reminder that Abilene is a great place to live, and that we can make a difference when we work together. BBBS currently has 132 kids on their waiting list, hoping for a Big Brother or Big Sister to volunteer to be their match. Get more information about how to become a volunteer or get more information about BBBS in Abilene by calling Jamie Bearden, at 325.674.3113.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Big Brother Big Sister volunteer?

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