Big Tex suffered a great tragedy last year during the fair when he burned to death. It was a sad day to say the least, a legend was gone. However, we new then that it wouldn't be long before a New Big Tex was back. This morning was that day. Big Tex was revealed at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas.

He sports a new white Dickies pearl snap shirt with red and blue breast pockets and red and blue chevron shoulders with white stars. He still sports blue jeans and new Lucchese Boots. The boots are a design featured in a1949 series from the brand. They show a picture of the Capitol along with longhorn cattle, flags and bluebonnets. He's very patriotic.

Big Tex wasn't going to be revealed until tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 27th. However, due to high winds they decided to drop the curtain that was hiding Big Tex this afternoon. The official ceremony introducing the new and improved Big Tex will be tomorrow at 2 pm as planned.

There will also be a historical exhibit of Big Tex over the last 60 years featured at the fair's Hall of State. It will be open throughout the 24 day fair.

 Here is the new Big Tex:

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