The latest "Truth From Legend - Columbia: A Modern Day Icarus?" video is available for viewing. Let's dive in and take a look at this retro-flavored mini mockumentary for BioShock Infinite.

This is Part 2 of the series in which Alistar Bloom explores the Columbia and all of the mysteries surrounding it. The focus of this episode is the Songbird and whether or not it was a real creature. And if it was real, what was its purpose?

The video describes Songbird as if it was a mythological figure and the stuff of children's nursery rhymes, meant to scare them into behaving. But it would seem that footage was found that suggests the Songbird was real.

It was thought to have been the guardian of the floating city, existing to keep trespassers at bay. But a new theory came into play after evidence was found in the Alps, postulating that the Songbird was meant to keep something in the city. Its ward was thought to be "The Lamb of Columbia," which was a child, "revered by all, but kept captive by the Bird."

This video certainly adds a lot of flavor to the narrative for the upcoming game, and we can't wait to get our hands on it! But sadly, we've still got a little more than a month to go before the March 26th, 2013 release date, so we'll just busy ourselves by watching more videos like this one.

What do you think about these little promotional vids? Do they get you more excited about a game's release? Let us know in the comments!

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