You can’t accuse Chris Robinson of running in place. Just over a month after the release of ‘Big Moon Ritual,’ the debut album from the Chris Robinson Brotherhood, he and his own merry pranksters have announced their follow up is waiting in the wings. ‘The Magic Door’ will be released on Sept. 11 on the Silver Arrow label.

The songs come from the same sessions that produced ‘Big Moon Ritual,’ and were also produced by Thom Monahan, known for his work with such modern day folkies as Vetiver and Devendra Banhart. “Thom had encouraged us to remain true to the arrangements we had been playing all year on the road.” said Robinson, “We inevitably had some longer pieces and felt that the performances were strong enough that we didn’t want to edit them for any extraneous reasons.”

Chris says he realized “within the first two days” of recording, that there was enough material for two albums. Certainly nothing new for Robinson, as his other band, the Black Crowes, also have a history of recording more than will fit on the plate.

‘The Magic Door’ will contain seven songs, including a cover of Hank Ballard’s ‘Let’s Go, Let’s Go, Let’s Go,’ a song the band has featured regularly in their live shows. As they travel that road that bends and turns with improvisation and free from playing, Robinson and Neal Casal employ some heady guitar interplay at times. “I look at music as a conversation,” he said, “and Neal’s a very eloquent speaker on guitar and I’m just trying to keep the conversation interesting.”

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