Alright, I had the flu shot, but I was down for the count earlier this week. Was it the flu? Frankly, I didn't feel like going to the doctor's office to be tested for it. Why? Because I was sick!

I've heard some say that the flu this year isn't as severe. But, I've also heard that if you got the flu shot and still get the flu then it won't be as severe. Mine came on fast and I was sick for a good two and half -- almost three days.

I probably jumped the gun getting back to work, but I'm here.

Symptoms of the flu are:

* a fast onset

* sore throat

* chills

* fever

* sneezing

* coughing

* muscle aches

* overall tiredness

Yep, I had all of those!

Here is a great website where you can check your symptoms and the best treatments for the flu. Of course, remember, I'm not a doctor and no website can replace a doctor's advice. But, it might point you in the right direction! Symptoms Checker.

You can also track the flu in our area with the Mayo Clinic Flu Tracker.

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