Rudy Eugene the “Miami Cannibal”may have been having a psychotic episode when he stripped off his clothes and started gnawing on the face of a homeless guy. A lot of folks reported that Eugenes’s behavior was triggered by the drug known as “bath salts.”.

According to the toxicology report from Eugene’s autopsy, who was shot dead by police, the only “street drug” found in his system was traces of marijuana.

Eugene’s shocking crime touched off a national discussion on bath salts, (and a lot of talk about Zombies too), which are powdered drugs that contain at least one amphetamine-type substance. Even though bath salts can cause some epic freak outs, the synthetic drug can be purchased legally in some parts of the U.S.

This week a bill placing a federal ban on bath salts passed the Senate 92-4 with President Obama expected to sign it into law. Eugene had been used as an example for why the drug should be made illegal. (But the only drug in his system was weed…???)

The autopsy also revealed that there were no chunks of the other homeless guy’s flesh in Eugene’s stomach, meaning the “cannibal” wasn’t actually trying to eat his victim… just chew him.


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